Ever wished you could make your leftover uncooked vegetables go further? Well it turns out you can. Read our top tips below on which vegetables can be merely from merely a cutting. The best parts are that it's very low maintenance and you don't even need a garden. These veggies can be grown on a windowsill, balcony or terrace. Simply plant them and grow your own veg from home.
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Root vegetables
Take any root vegetable and cut it just below the stem, leaving about ½ an inch of the root vegetable attached. Soak the vegetable in water on a windowsill. A warm area in direct sunslight is best and it's best to change the water daily. Once the vegetable starts to root, it can then be planted in soil.
Cover the roots and base with soil but leave the top exposed and place in a sunny spot on a windowsill, terrace, balcony or garden. Most root vegetables need 6-8 inches of soil for their root system. Spring onions, beetroot, turnips and carrots work well.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes
An old potato at the back of the cupboard that’s started sprouting is perfect to grown more potatoes from. Plant it in soil, like a flower bulb, and water it regularly.

Onions, shallots and garlic
These can all be regrown from the roots. When you chop the roots off for cooking, keep hold of them and pop them in some soil to start growing again. Remember to cover the root and base but keep the top exposed.

An avocado is grown from the stone (or pit, as it is known). After eating an avocado, give the pit a clean, peel off the outer layer and put three to four toothpicks into the top of the pit. Using the toothpicks for support, place the pit into a jar or glass and fill it with water. Once the root starts to grow and is well established (about 15cm tall), plant it into soil. Once planted and growing well, spread out the leaves to encourage growth.

One of the central facilities at Mayfield Villages is the café-bistro where you can enjoy excellent quality food at reasonable prices. We’ve teamed up with our sister company, Audley Villages and Bruce D’aloia, Head Chef at Clevedon Restaurant in Ilkley for his top tips on growing vegetables at home.