Now that spring is here, we have some top tips for what you can plant to get your balconies and terraces looking stunning.
Tip 1: Think about colour, it can help make your space look impressive. Just take a few pots, each laden with a different colour.

Tip 2: Leaf shape, size and texture all help to create something spectacular. Think about what your plants will look like together rather than just individually. Elephant ears (colocasia esculenta), coral bells (heuchera sanguinea) or needle palm (yucca filamentosa) are all plants you may wish to consider.
Tip 3: Ornamental grass, such as blue oat grass (helictotrichon sempervirens) or Japanese sweet flag (Acrous gramineus ‘Ogon’) not only helps add variety but creates a peaceful sound in the breeze.
Tip 4: Think about light. If your outside space is quite shady, then options include hostas, painted lady fern (athyrium niponicum var. pictum) and Mrs Robb’s bonnet (euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae).

Tip 5: If classic plants are more to your taste, pansies and violas are colourful and look gorgeous if you add a miniature conifer to the middle of them.
Tip 6: If you’re after some height then think about tier planting, hanging baskets or trailing plants such as petunia, verbena or lobelia.
Tip 7: Have you considered edible plants, rather than just something pretty? Gem lettuce, cherry tomatoes and strawberries can all be grown in containers, as can as wide selection of herbs.

Tip 8: If you’re not a gardener but looking for plants to start with then geraniums, fuschias and begonias could be for you.
Tip 9: If you can’t find any pots you like then buy some cheaper ones and paint them yourself, or ask a grandchild to paint you one for when you can be reunited.
Tip 10: Swap plants! Your neighbours may have some plants which you can propagate, rather than having to purchase bulbs or a new flower. Ask them to leave them on your doorstep rather than rather than handing them over in person though.