You're invited to an event

Here at Mayfield Villages we love nothing more than to put on an event. From downsizing to theatre productions, and from themed dinner events to sports day activities, there's always something to join in with.

If you're considering buying a property here and we've sent you an invitation to an upcoming event, please RSVP using the form below.

If you're not yet receiving our emails, make sure you tick the opt in boxes below so you hear about future events first.

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Mayfield would like to keep you informed about their properties and services. Please let us know how you’d like us to keep in touch by ticking below.
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We will call you on this number to confirm your appointment, directions and who you'll be meeting on your visit.
If you are not based in the UK, please include the country code above (eg: +447891234567).
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Which village(s) would you like to visit?
Please tell us your preferred date to visit, or confirm your attendance at a special event.
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